In this post, I am going to show you how we can run multiple queries in a single stored procedure in Mysql PhpMyAdmin.
Making stored procedures in PHPMyAdmin (xampp) is very easy just need to do these things.
Steps to create a procedure in PHPMyAdmin:
Step: 1) Click your database, then click More and then click--> Routines.
Step 2:) Click on Add Routine to start a new Procedure.
Step 3:)
If you want to write or create procedure manually in Mysql PHPMyAdmin used this syntax: Go to SQL and create a procedure manually.
If you want to write a procedure which insert a record and returns you an ID.
Making stored procedures in PHPMyAdmin (xampp) is very easy just need to do these things.
Steps to create a procedure in PHPMyAdmin:
Step: 1) Click your database, then click More and then click--> Routines.
Step 3:)
- Give Routines name means procedure name.
- Add parameter in, out, or in_out whichever you want.
- In Definition, Write your multiple SQL queries.
- SQL data access: Select Contains SQL.
Step 4:) At last click on Go. Your procedure is created.
For Example:
Creating a Procedure in phpAdmin.
Creating a simple procedure that selects all Employee Details.
Procedure Successful Created.
This is a simple way to create a procedure in PhpAdmin.
You can also create a procedure using IN parameter.
Creating a procedure using IN and OUT parameters.
Creating a procedure which returns you id after inserting a row in PhpAdmin.
If you want to write or create procedure manually in Mysql PHPMyAdmin used this syntax: Go to SQL and create a procedure manually.
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE getEmployeeDetails() BEGIN SELECT * FROM employee; END;;Change accordingly to your procedure.
If you want to write a procedure which insert a record and returns you an ID.
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `testDemo`(IN `in_name` varchar(50), IN `in_address` varchar(200) ,IN `in_email` varchar(50),OUT `out_emp` INT(50)) BEGIN INSERT INTO `employee`( `name`, `address`, `email`) VALUES (in_name,in_address,in_email); SELECT max(empid) INTO out_emp FROM employee; end;;
Now you able to create a procedure in MYSQL PhpmyAdmin.
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