Java 8 is a new release of the java programming development platform and Java 8 was released in 2014.
With the release of Java 8, functional programming has been introduced. It was a huge set of the upgrade done in the Java 8 release. JDK 8 contains new features and enhancements in many functional areas.
Now, most of the java interview question is on java 8. Java 8 interview question contains features like Lambda Expressions, Streams, Default and Static method definitions in Interfaces, java 8 FunctionalInterface, java 1.8 Method Reference, Java 8 New memory space, ForEach() method, Nashorn JavaScript Engine.
NOTE: The JAVA 8 question, which is marked (Imp) and (All Company Favorite Question) is very important for the interview..
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Java 8 Interview Questions |
Java 8 Interface Interview Question
1. What are the features in Java 8? What are the main features of Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)2. What is the default and static method in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
3. Why did default and static methods come in Java 8?(All Company Favorite Question)
4. Can we override the default implementation of equals(), hashCode(), or any other object class method in Interface?(Imp)
5. In Functional Interface, can you also declare methods of object classes as abstract in Java 8?
6. Can we have multiple static and default methods in a functional interface in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
7. What are some pre-defined functional interfaces in Java 8?
8. What is method reference in Java 8 and what are the different types of a method reference in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
9. What is the advantage of method references in Java
Java 8 Classes and Interface added.
1. What is an optional class in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)2. What is the Function interface in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
3. What is the predicate in Java 8? (Imp)
4. What is a consumer in Java 8? (Imp)
5. What is Biconsumer in Java 8? (Imp)
6. What is the Java 8 supplier interface? (All Company Favorite Question)
NOTE: In this package Java.util.function., you will find all the functional interfaces.
Java 8 Stream API
1. What is the Stream API in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)2. Why was the Java 8 stream API introduced? (All Company Favorite Question)
3. Ways of Creating a Stream in Java 8(All Company Favorite Question)
4. Can a stream be reused in Java 8?
5. What is anyMatch(), allMatch(), noneMatch() in Java 8? (Imp)
6. What are intermediate and terminal operations in java 8 Stream? (All Company Favorite Question)
7. What do you mean by intermediate and terminal in java 8 Stream? (All Company Favorite Question)
8. What is the reduce(), filter(), map(), flatMap(), and distinct() in Java 8 Stream?
9. How to Implement Multithreading in Java Stream? What is the fastest way to process the Collections data? (All Company Favorite Question)
10. What is stateless and stateful in Java 8 Stream?
11. Find the salary range of employees using Java 8 Stream? (All Company Favorite Question)
12. How to find duplicate elements in a Stream in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
13. How to sum a list of integers with Java 8 Stream? (All Company Favorite Question)
14. What is the use of the collect() method in a Stream? (Imp)
15. What is an infinite Stream in Java 8?
16. What changes have been made to the Files IO Method in Java 8? (Imp)
Lambda Expression in Java 8 Interview Question
1. What is Lamda Expression and used in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)2. What is the syntax of lambda expressions in Java 8?
3. How to call functional Interface from Lamda Expression? (Imp)
4. What are the types of method references in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
Collection Improvements Java 8 Interview Question
1. What Enhancements have been made to the Java 8 Collection API?2. What are some newly added methods in Comparators Interface in Java 8?
3. Sort values using Comparators using comparingByKey() and comparingByValue()?
4. What is the forEach () method in Java 8 and what does it do? (All Company Favorite Question)
5. What improvements were made in hashmap in Java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)
6. When and how does HashMap convert the bucket from the linked list to Red Black Trees? (All Company Favorite Question)
7. How to use putIfAbsent(),computeIfPresent(), computeIfAbsent() method is used in java 8?
8. Which functional interface forEach() method takes while iterating over the collection element.(All Company Favorite Question)
9. Which functional interface forEach() method takes while iterating over the Map element. (All Company Favorite Question)
Java 8 Memory and JavaScript Engine
1. What is meta Space? What is a new memory space in java 8? (All Company Favorite Question)2. What is Nashorn Engine in Java 8? (Imp)
3. Can you execute javascript code from the Java 8 code base?
4. How to run JavaScript code in java?
Java 8 Date and Time API Interview Question?
NOTE: If you don't know about the Date and Time yet, say I need to go through it if you don't know. A question will be added afterward.
CLICK HERE. Java project-related interview questions for the Experience
CLICK HERE. Corejava Interview Questions | Java Interview Question in 2022
All are going to be asked by an interviewer in Java 8 Interview Question. So try to read all the questions. If I missed any questions, then mention them in the comments.
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