HTML ka Full Form, What was the full form of HTML, What is the full form of HTML in computer science, What is HTML, What HTML stands for.

If you are looking for all of these questions, then we are here to help you read this post completely we are going to share with you from basic of HTML Full Form
HTML Full Form 

Internet is the most powerful tool in the world now, today whatever we see, listen, read, post using the Internet only. Without the INTERNET now it's impossible to survive in this world. If you want to find any piece of information or data, we will found on the Internet only, we know that.

But any information that we are looking for, is already on the Internet. It's very uncommon to know that few people know where this information comes on the Internet, Today also people only know how to search for information on the Internet but no one how we can upload information on the Internet what is behind the scene.

If you are familiar or study in the computer field then you have a knowledge of how one can share their information on the Internet. For sharing information you need a website for creating a website you need a know HTML FULL FORM and HOW TO USED HTML for creating a website. Whenever you want to create a Blog or website, first you need to know WHAT IS HTML without knowing this you can't able to create any website.

First, we need to know What was the Full Form of HTML.

HTML Full Form -: Hypertext Markup Language
  • HT as Hypertext Markup
  • M as Markup
  • L as Language

In 1990 Full Form of HTML was created by Tim Berners Lee, just when the Internet started you can make a complete website using HTML but it is only a static website.

How does HTML create a website?

Creating a website in HTML is very simple and easy, you only need to know HTML Tags that can help you to create your website in the fastest way.

HTML is specially used to design HTML pages for your website which used some specific tags to link and display text, Image, Video, and graphics information in such a way that they can all visible on the Web. Websites we see today on the Internet are created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

CSS is used for styling your content which looks more attractive on the web. If you want to add different effects on your web-page then you can use CSS. Using CSS can make our site even more beautiful.

JavaScript is used for adding more functionalities to your web pages like creating a search button, popup message box on the web-page using JavaScript. It makes your pages dynamic.

Making a Hello World Program using HTML.


Full Form of HTML


<h1>Hello World HTML Example</h1>

If you want to know what is HTML, What is the use of HTML check out this?

HTML Full Form in Hindi?

हाइपर टेक्स्ट मार्कअप लैंग्वेज (haipar tekst maarkap laingvej)

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